Gardening in the Desert ≠ Failure 

Gardening in the Desert ≠ Failure 

The hardest part about gardening in the desert is deciding which plants to grow. In my backyard garden, I grow, throughout the year, as many as 80 different types of plants. Some are edible, and others are not, some are annuals, and some are perennials, but all of them have become part of the small […]

Beneficial Insects in the Desert Garden 

Beneficial Insects in the Desert Garden 

As a regenerative-sustainable gardener that refuses to use any type of pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides, I must invite beneficial insects to my garden. These beneficials range from cute little ladybugs to scary spiders. In my desert garden I house several types of bees, leafhopper assassin bugs, praying mantises, several types of spiders (including a black […]

My Desert Gardening Story

My Desert Gardening Story

I started gardening in the desert in 2020. We had just bought a house during the pandemic, and I was excited to begin my gardening adventure. I read some books, I watched some videos, and I bought way more seeds than I can fit in my backyard garden. I grew a lot of plants in […]